A 30 minute ride in the dark with nothing but LED lights above, flashing to the beat of the music. The BLACKOUT ride is designed to be a full body workout consisting of fluctuating resistance, sitting and standing on the bike. We also work upper body by chest press, triceps, and abs. We always encourage you to work at your own pace.

We want to help make sure you are prepared for each class. Upon arriving, please eat a small meal a couple hours before your ride or a light snack 30 minutes before. Food is fuel! You can’t work it on an empty stomach. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! Please drink water before your ride and bring water to class. We have water for sale in the studio, or a station where you can fill your water up for free.

“Please arrive 10-15 minutes early before each ride to make sure you get set up and are ready to ride! Wear comfortable workout clothes and tennis shoes for riding. Our bikes are all SPD compatible.”